
Back Up Plan. by Zandy Warhol

Shooting on film has taught me a patience that stays with me even while shooting digital, whether it be with a DSLR or a phone. I’ve never been the type to shoot and shoot and shoot and see what I’ve captured; it’s always about waiting for the right moment and capturing what I see in my mind. At times, I wait until I see the right person or group to shoot. Many times it pays off. On this day, I sat in the shadows and saw a well dressed man alone who would soon step into the light. Twenty feet behind him, was a mother and daughter walking slowly, until I readied for the shot…


As soon as my composition was exactly as I’d seen in my head, the mother and daughter broke out into a sprint, running into the frame and then stopping out of no where as if on purpose. Still, I took a shot although I knew it wasn’t what I wanted. Before this moment though, I spotted a group walking down the same street, headed toward the same slice of light. Knowing my ideal shot may be ruined, I took a photo of the group as a “just in case.”


Once the mother and daughter entered the frame, my entire mindset was thrown off and I missed the shot I’d envisioned. So, not the photo I wanted, but still better than nothing; and, a group of 3 appears more visually interesting to many; myself included. You never know when your “perfect shot” may be ruined by a random passerby. At any moment something simple can change it all. Always have a back up plan.

Choosing Your Shot Vol 4. by Zandy Warhol

Whenever I’m shooting digitally, there are times where I’ll take at least 2 or 3 photos that are similar. Not a “spray and pray” where you’d shoot many photos randomly in hopes of actually capturing something; but a more precise idea where I want to capture something specific, as well as the moment before and after. Those are the times where I’ll have to choose which photo works best for my eye.


In every instance where I shoot through the moment, the photos are almost exactly identical; maybe the step a person took had changed or they were a foot closer or farther in the frame and I’m examining which I like more. Today I did just that when I saw this man walking on the sidewalk. Right away I crossed to the other side of the street and started walking next to him, waiting for the moment. I took 3 shots that looked almost exactly the same and was I satisfied. I continued walking and then saw another possible shot with the same person (something I never do.) Again I ran to catch up, but this time I took only one photo. 


This time, I had the same subject in two different scenes and had to choose between them. In the first photo, I have him mid-step, almost dragging his bag and a bit dreariness as the clouds were overhead; yet it felt “off” to me. In the second photo, the clouds slightly parted giving a bit of a warmer tone; I’ve missed his step and his bag isn’t visible but this feels more real, making me pick the “imperfect” photo. It’s all down to you of course. Our eyes see different things, and the shots we choose, are the shots we choose.