Run With It. / by Zandy Warhol

A lot of times, you’ll be shooting photo after photo and have a decent idea of what your finished product will be. Maybe more of a moody vibe, maybe accentuating a certain color or maybe you focus on the shadows. Sometimes you have an idea, try it, then add to it. Eventually it morphs from one thing to another, and in the end it’s become something totally different. 


I started with the photo above; lately I’ve been pixelating people’s faces in an artistic expression but when I took this shot, the man was actually running to cross the street and his face looked very stressed, (I knew I would pixelate it).  


The second image with the pixelation was where I thought I’d leave off, but for fun, I chose to pixelate his hand as well and before finishing that thought, another popped into my head. 


I pixelated his entire body and instantly loved the look of the photo. It gave me strong feelings of how linked our virtual and real lives are and this man running and yet “frozen” made me think of a video that hadn’t yet finished loading. I went through a few versions of this full body pixelation before settling on this one with the shadow included, and will probably do others similar to this in the future. Sometimes you’ve got an idea from the start, other times you get one idea, then it grows, then changes and eventually becomes your finished product. Whatever crazy thought you get, if it works, run with it.