You may have all the skill in the world. You may have the most ideal camera body and lens combination. You may even be shooting in Paris, New York, Tokyo or any other iconic city; but without patience, you have nothing. You have to be able to sit and wait somewhere for the shot you’ve envisioned. Of course we all get lucky at times, but for those photos where you’ve got something specific in mind, you’ve got to sit tight.
Wandering around one day, I came upon this ray of light and knew I wanted a shot here. I wanted the shot to have a contrast of light and shadow and wanted someone to be walking through the light. Being a Saturday, in lower Manhattan, on a nice summer day, there weren’t many people in the area so I waited, and waited, and waited. I remember a person with a cart came by but it wasn’t what I was looking for. Some more time went by and a woman walked across the street and towards the light and by this time, the light was widening and the look I was going for, would soon be gone. I took the shot and was happy with it. Patience, pays off.